Sound Supervisors.
The Sound Department is made up of:
Composers - Simon May, Leslie Osbourne and David Lowe.
Boom Operators - Craig Burns, Nigel Holmes, Mark Nicoll, Anthony Brown, Dave Fuge and Clive Richardson.
Sound Mixers - Robert Miles and Safiyah Suleman.
Sounds Recordists - John Mooney
Sound Supervisors - Lance Andrews, Anthony Brown, John Downes, Nigel Holmes, Dave Howell, Kevin Miller, Mark Nicoll and John Relph.
The Composers, wrote the iconic EastEnders theme tune ( which has been a well known song that most people will hear and know its EastEnders which is starting.
Boom Operators, are specially trained technicians that handle the boom mic, that will be on set during filming and will position the boom mic in the correct place to pick up the dialogue clearly without dropping the mic or leads into shot, multiple operators will be used for different sets.
Sound Mixers, take the recorded audio and balance it, making sure conversations sound clear and realistic, while also positioning the sound in the stereo scope to set the positions of the characters in the sound. Sound mixers will mix the audio for the final product.
Sound Recordists, will go around on set during filming and will record any location based sounds that may be needed in the final mix, this will include shutting doors, breaking glass, rustling crisp packets etc.
Sound Supervisors, will work with the directors, producers and picture editors to make the final product, ensuring the audio matches the visuals and then will go back to the sound mixer and recordist if any further editing or recordings need doing for the final product.
Thank You for Reading, Chip James
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